The Journey Of Self Discovery – Bhagavad Gita Semina

The Journey of Self Discovery: a 6-session systematic and scientific presentation on the Essence of The Bhagavad Gita


  1. Search for happiness
  2. Does God exist?
  3. Who am I?
  4. If God exists, who is He?
  5. Why do bad things happen to good people?
  6. Practical application of Bhagavad Gita

Welcome! Come and participate in a seminar over 6-evenings exploring the Essence of The Bhagavad Gita in systematic & scientific presentations. The speaker, Vrajamohan Das, is a brilliant young US-educated MBA from Mumbai, who lives in Vrindavan and a recognised expert on Vedic literatures. Join with others for networking, intellectual discussion and delicious prasadam! This is only for those who seek something beyond the intellectual challenge & rigour of their careers, and seeking higher answers on life/work/career/duties/relationships/family/spirituality. Book your seat online at the link below, and please invite your friends!

Format: Presentations, Discussions, Q&A, Mantra Meditation

Speaker: Vrajamohan Das from Vrindavan

Pricing Details – Rs. 500/- (for the full 6 days seminar)
Dates: Sunday 25th November to Friday 30th November 2012 (inclusive)
Times: Daily from 6.30pm to 9pm, followed by free dinner prasadam

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